Backup and Compress Utility Version 1.0f (Part of VB TimeControl) *************************************************************************** DO NOT PANIC This programm makes no changes to your WIN.INI or SYSTEM.INI nor any other previously existing files on your harddisk. It only creates an own INI file, the backup and release files you asked for *************************************************************************** 1. Open Projectfile 2. Use Setup to check PKZIP.EXE path and backup path 2.1 Backup path: - choose a path for all backups or - choose cancel ( = no ) to backup to the project path 2.2 More: Add some files you use in you project but don't like to backup. 3. Read project Reads the project and shows the module in a list 4. Pack project Copies the project to a RELEASE\ directory and stripes all unreferenced functions and subs 4.1 Stats Shows in a list the used and the not used functions and subs 4.2 Exefile Starts VB (if not running) to make an EXE 5. Backup Creates a ZIP file with all the needed files of the project as a backup 6. All Runs 3. 4. and 5. 7. Exit